
A DeferredMap is a concurrent MapRef that is specifically optimized for awaiting asynchronous values that may not have completed yet. It is used internally by EventStateCache to keep track of what resources are already being awaited, so you do not duplicate requests.

Here’s a brief example of how you can use it, for awaiting a specific concurrent job to finish, by-key:

import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Deferred
import scala.concurrent.duration._

//Needed implicits for the examples here
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global)
implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer(global)

val example = DeferredMap[IO].empty[String, String].flatMap { dmap =>
  //Helper function to complete a job concurrently after three seconds
  def completeJobAfter3s(key: String) = for {
    d <- Deferred[IO, String] //Create our async result that has not finished yet
    _ <- dmap.add(key)(d) //Add it to the map
    _ <- timer.sleep(3.seconds).flatMap(_ => d.complete("success")).start //Complete it asynchronously
  } yield ()
  for {
    _ <- completeJobAfter3s("job1")
    _ <- completeJobAfter3s("job2")
    res1 <- dmap.get("job1")
    res2 <- dmap.get("job2")
  } yield (res1, res2)
// res0: (String, String) = ("success", "success")

The API has a lot of options available, including checking whether a value is being awaited as well as additional helper methods if you want the semantics of TryableDeferred instead. With a TryableDeferredMap, you can check if a value has been completed as well as conditionally delete values based on completion status.

BE ADVISED: This is a rather low-level concurrency tool and you will want to thoroughly test your usage of this in order to not leak anything. Always be sure to delete values that have completed after some period of time, or make sure they expire with ExpiringRef.